1.  The White House is located at 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue.

2.  Memphis is a city located by Mississippi.

3.  Anyone who wants a match with him must find him on the court.

4.  She fell on the floor.

5.  I removed the painting off the wall.

6.  This is the island located at the coast of Africa.

7.  It is not allow smoking in the lecture Hall.

8.  Unemployment is a real problem in this country.

9.  That is the most beautiful car in the world.

10. Jack is a freshman at the University of Chicago.

11. There are ten passengers on the bus.

12. People are crowded onto street.

13. She climbed out from the river.

14. It takes me five hours to get through the forest.

15. The train will arrive in Taipei at eight twenty.

16. The boss called a meeting of directors on Tuesday.

17. I'll be back home next week.

18. I can finish the work within a month.

19. She got divorced last year.

20. He entered the room without saying a word.

21. Taiwan has new trade agreement with Japan.

22. I always travel by train.

23. He wore a dark suit at the meeting.

24. I had a good time at the party last night.

25. You can find a platform for opinions in the college newspaper.

26. Our purpose is to rip the sheets off these guys and expose them for what they are.

27. The program has been the top-rated children's program on US TV.

28. I had heard that story as a young child.

29. He resigned because of the scandal.

30. We can discuss it over lunch. 一邊吃午餐一邊談

31. We agree on a date of the meeting.

32. I was anger with him.

33. I was astonished at your failure in the exam.

34. You have to apologize of saying those rude remarks.

35. Congratulations on your new job.

36. I can't think of any explanation for what had happened.

37. I demand an explanation for your conduct.

38. They were nice to me.

39. She is married to John.

40. You should pay your beer first.

41. I saw the girl in the red hat.

42. I win the debate in the end.

43. I think the ending of this novel is wishy-washy.

44. My sister is always on the phone.

45. I like to surf on the Internet.

46. We saw a log house hidden among the forest.

47. Nepal lies between China, India ,and Sikkim.

48. I divide my time between studying, writing, and swimming.

49. He has a number of lawyer among his friend.

50. Of the ten men and women on the team, over half have a graduate degree of some sort.

51. Few beaches are able to compare with Waikiki for its seclusion, beauty, and magnificent sunsets.


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