目前分類:其他的獨立寫作 (6)

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Do you agree or disagree that it is better to learn board knowledge of many subjects than specialize on one specific subject.


     As first time come to this question, some people may consider that a person know everything is greater than a person know only one thing because he knows more. However, I would like to hold the view of better specializing on one thing than learning board knowledge.

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Let a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something which will destroy the friendship.

     Sometimes we will encounter an delimma whether we tell a friend something he or she doesn't like or keep slient watching a friend doind wrong. In this situation, I prefer to tell or do something even thought it will broke the friendship.

     The most important reason to do so is to protect a friend from harm. When seeing a friend is going to make mistakes, there is no other reason for me not  to stop him or her getting harm. Someone who declare that they care about the relationship between friends is not really care about friends but himself. If a friend is going to murder his hatest person and ask me to join with him or the friendship between us is done, I'll try my best to persute him not to do or even more tell the police. Although the friendship between us will break down, I can still protect my friend from making his life worse.

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

     Although young people nowadays are unwilling to read and write, I am of the opinion that the abilities are more important than ever before.

      Because of the Internet, people are easier to reach the information. Some people may argue that we don't have to read and write,and all we need can be found on Internet. Though we don't read or write on books or papers, we still have to read and write on Internet ourselves so as to get the imformation. The Internet is only an access to reach the world which can not replace the ability to read and write.

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

     Housewife is the most gratest job because being a housewife will have more leisure time. A housewife only have to do three things: cooking, washing cloth, and cleaning room. Cooking a meal does not cost more than one hour if cooking very often. Also, it doesn't have to wash cloth or clean room everyday. In fact, a housewife doesn't have to work eight hours a day! After the time doing housework, a housewife can do whatever he or she likes, such as having a dancing class, learning languages, or having a afternoon tea. Housewifes have more free time to enjoy their life as no other jobs can do.

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In the 20th centry, there are alot of inventions, which do you think has the most influence on society? Use reasons and examples to support your answer.

     I think the most influence techknoeledge of the cenctry would be the Internet. Internet has played an important role of daily life. As a student, we hand on our paper through Internet. We also find where to buy the cheapest book on Internet. Internet is like an imformation center that everone can reach without going out from home.
     We used to asks friend about where to have fun, but now is different. We surf on the Internet to find imformation of 好評價 resterants. Many 討論版 提供 such place for someone had been there and write down how they feel of the resterant. What's more, because of the Internet, more and more people 消費 without actually going out. They just shoppong online and pay by cards. Thus the 商家 have to change their ways of selling in order to reach the custermus.
An other examples of selling through Internet is 博客來 Book Shop, the greatest online book shop in Taiwan. 

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A preference for traveling along or traveling in groups

     Most people in Taiwan travel with their family, friends, classmates, colleagues; seldom of us travel along. It is because Chinese people are used to live collective. Also, traveling along is troublesome which means all by oneself. However, since the self-service travel is introduced by magazines, more and more people are joining in traveling alone. 
     Traveling alone has many benefits. First of all, it's easy to choose the date for going, no need for checking other's schedule. When I want to go traveling, I go traveling. Although traveling along need to deal with all things by oneself like which plane to take, where to live, what to eat, how to go....etc, it can also regard as an advantage of traveling along that I can get familiar with the place I am going before visiting. When visiting, I'll know elaborately about the place and easily fall into the atmosphere. What's more, to schedule myself would be the greatest of traveling along. I can make my own choice about everything. There won't be any spot I don't want to go on my schedule. Every visiting is delicate and expectable.
     In spite of many benefits of traveling along, traveling in groups is still a good choice. Traveling in groups is good that I can share experience together without barrier. It's much pleased to chart with someone who has the same experience with me rather than one who doesn't even have been that place. Traveling with other is like going the same place once but with twice (or more) experience. Furthermore, traveling with different people would make new adventure of the journey. I can try different types of food or different forms of traveling which I'll never try when I am along. By traveling with others, maybe I'll have new hobbies and new favorites!

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()