目前分類:知音--句子翻譯練習 (13)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
  1. In such conutry like ours, living is a main problem.
  2. In most big cities, traffic is a problem.
  3. Nowadays people are practical.
  4. In modern society, people have to learn constantly for compitition.
  5. On the Internet, we can find a lot of useful information.
  6. A card was found amid the newspapers strewn on the ground.
  7. In my conutry, sports gaze is not as large as that of the America.
  8. At the cashier's booth, I took out my wallet which has all my money earned from delivering newspapers.
  9. At school, I face with many difficaulties.
  10. Beyond the golden beach, there is navy ocean.
  11. The air is bad inside the bus.
  12. There are many kinds of flowers inside the park.
  13. In the world today, we can't live without car.
  14. In most area of the world, there is not enough water.
  15. Before us is my grandfather's farm.
  16. To the right side of the kitchen is a bedroom.
  17. Behind the kitchen is the living room.
  18. There has a sliver clock standing on a shelf over the bed.
  19. There is a stairway left.
  20. On their way to start a new life, Patti and kids stopped to swim , but their timing couldn't have been worse.
  21. Borned in the the Pir Mountains north-west India, Mehta is the second child of eighth of a farmer.
  22. At a bustop outside the city,he showed us how sap is extracted from rubber trees.


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  1. In the front of my father's birth house, there used to a big banyan tree.
  2. In the village I was born, there is a beautiful pond.
  3. Wherever has poverty, there is discontent and unrest.
  4. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者是竟成

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  1. When I got there, she had already left.
  2. When I was in the shower, they phone rang.
  3. As he was watching TV, I am busy making dough for cookies.
  4. When I sit and think of lives, I start to realize that I was too pessimistic.
  5. As I getting older, I become more optimistic.
  6. As you turned the key, I think of that.
  7. Since the last time we met, it has been a long time.
  8. Since he moved to Hong Kong 3 years ago, we were seldom in touch .
  9. As soon as he arrived, we have finished cleaning the house.
  10. Since he started his business, he has been in hot water.
  11. We polished the car till it shone.
  12. We stayed there untill the work has been done.
  13. Once I get there, I'll call you.
  14. Once you realize, you will find the job easily.
  15. Whenever I look out the window, I see a hum.
  16. I was astonished when the first time I got New York.
  17. I will buy a camera next time to Hong Kong.
  18. As soon as I turned the key, the phone rang.


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1.  After graduated, he left his hometown.

2.  After walking for hours, we arrived at a beautiful village.

3.  I may go shopping in the afternoon.

4.  I usually stay at home watching TV with familyies at night.

5.  At Christmas, people are busy in shopping.

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1.  X was regarded as hero here, and there is a road bear his name.

2.  He works very hard this year, and I think he deserves this chance.

3.  I try to read his expression, but I know, as most men do, he has learned to hide his feeling.

4.  The dog was very hungry so I fed it.

5.  He likes traveling, and so does she.

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1.  He was born a millionaire.

2.  The show lasted an hour.

3.  The ticket costs me 50 dollars.

4.  She cooked me a delicious dinner.

5.  She made a new dress for herself.

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1.  He will be at the meeting next Saturday.

2.  We drive toward north.

3.  The farm is at ten miles south of the town.

4.  The newspaper is delivered on time everyday.

5.  I didn't sleep well last night.

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1.  I have many books.

2.  I have a lot of money.

3.  He doesn't have much money.

4.  This movie made me bored.

5.  I am a frustrated consumer.

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1.  The White House is located at 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue.

2.  Memphis is a city located by Mississippi.

3.  Anyone who wants a match with him must find him on the court.

4.  She fell on the floor.

5.  I removed the painting off the wall.

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1.  "War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read.

2.  The book and this movie are popular.

3.  Five dollars are not enough.

4.  It's too far to walk 20 miles.

5.  Three hours is too long.

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1.  I have a car.

2.  The rainbow is one of the natual phenomenon.

3.  I bought some sandwiches and music CDs.

4.  I love music.

5.  I love the music I've heard last night.

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(1) 使用簡單句SVO

重要動詞:give, bring, help, make, improve, keep, build, play an role in, enjoy, own, be available to, have access to, depend on, rely on, increase, enhance提高, regard as, view as, is effective in, produce, affect, have negative effects on, take advantage of利用, contribute to, make good use of, enrich充實,expand, extend, damage, hurt, endanger, fulfill滿足, satisfy滿足


the benifit of modern technology, the price of milk at local groceries

astre1987 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. SVO because SVO

      You have to study harder because you  are going to have test within 20 days!


      If you do not get a good grad in the test, you won't have chance to try again.

3.When SVO, SVO

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